August Prompt: Losing My Religion
The next Broken Planetarium is Losing My Religion. In the past, some of the most moving art came from religious patronage and religious devotion (Michelangelo, Hafiz, mother f&@$ing amaze balls 80s country-pop diva Amy Grant!) Many now shy away from religion because of its associations with extremism, violence, bigotry, and the band U2. In our post-God bubble, where do we find the sacred, the transfiguring, the lightening bolt, the pointy, pointy finger? Make art in devotion to something that holds the same place for you as religion. Write a psalm where instead of walking on water, you walk on a car-less street. Create a sculpture as an altar to eating poutine with friends under a clear, night sky. Paint your ceiling a mural of Emily Dickinson handing you gingerbread. Write a gospel song about a really good, life restoring, weekday nap. Create a sand mural of your baby's tiny toes, with a rainbow of lint, spit up, and fiercely sharp, claw like nails. Bring it to share on Friday, August 19th, 5:00-8:00. Creston park picnic area F.