August Prompt: The Copycat
After a July hiatus, the next Broken Planetarium will be Friday, August 7th. 6:00 pm potluck/ 7:00 pm start. The theme is copycat. Take someone else's idea that you've loved, and like a cat, bat it around in your paws while it suffers, then gobble it up and make it your own. Repaint Monet's lilies as a magic eye where if you squint, a Monsanto logo appears on the page. Take dialogue from Full House and turn it into a chorus for your new folktronica song: "You're in big trouble, mister!" "How rude!" Take a Julia Child recipe and add tamarind. Create an inspirational teaching blog filled entirely with lines from the end of Tess of the d'Urbervilles and VCR manuals. Turn "Starry Night" into a 3D experiential, multisensory art installation with a lot of non toxic foam... and bring it to share!