February Prompt: Variation-tines Day!
The next Broken Planetarium is Variation-tines Day! Our culture puts a great emphasis on romantic love, but what about all the other kinds of love that enrich our worlds? Let's celebrate all the variations of love around us. Let's woo our friends, family, neighbors, habitat, animals, food, and more. Write a love song to your best friend, saying they're the wind beneath your wingman. Paint your cat like the The Birth of Venus, but with strategically placed cat toys and coming out of the coziest lap. Write a love letter to Rainier cherries from the longing of the endless, berry-less winter. Choreograph a dance inspired by your baby's intolerance to items on a table/ obsession with watching gravity do its work. Write an ode to your body and all of its magic, its presence, its wonder, and its undying work for you. Weave a tapestry of your city covered in snow. (You have the time because you haven't left your house in a week).
Saturday, February 18th, 3:30-6:30.
Bring a fondue item (we'll provide the chocolate).
laura@brokenplanetarium.org for address.